100wc # 30 2021


It sure was a normal day and I went for a morning walk. As I walk through the village I suddenly spotted an abandoned house it looked so spooky. But of course I wasn’t scared of a house, so I went inside, I slowly opened the door then I saw a rat ran across the floor “ahh” I screamed and ran for the door but then suddenly, darkness enveloped the room. I couldn’t see anything I tried so hard to find the door, but I couldn’t find it. Then I realized someone shut the door…….

2 thoughts on “100wc # 30 2021”

  1. Greetings from Australia Rosa. I am still wondering who shut the door? and what happened next? You cleverly built the tension with your careful word choices. Attention to correct punctuation would make make your writing easier for your readers to read. A good strategy is to ask a friend to help you edit for punctuation before you publish. I enjoyed reading your writing.🙏😊

    1. Thanks so much, I am so glad you liked it and I will next time ask a friend or buddy to help me with punctuation.

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