That Was Summer

                That Was Summer


Do you remember how long it took

to pack the car 

and when you were finally finished 

your arms were dangling down the 

side of your body?

You never knew it was that hard to

 pack a car for a 4-day trip.

But do you also remember when you

finally, got off the coffee smelling plane

And then you had to travel through a traffic 


And when you finally found your apartment

building, it took about 10 minutes to lug your 

luggage up the never ending stairs. 

And the walls were black and white and there were heaps of vents.

So it was like walking through a jail?


Do you remember when you walked around

the city, looking at the Beehive, zoo, Te Papa

and much more,

 But also amazing and

interesting views that you have never seen 


Do you remember all the amazing, yummy and interesting 

food you ate, like waffles, pizza, enchiladas, tacos  

and at the end of dinner, lunch, breakfast, tea your stomach 

was so full that you thought you were going to explode?

That was summer.

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